Is lawn bowling a game or sport for "old" people?

No. It’s a game for all ages that requires a surprising amount of exercise. Although it is an easy game to learn, it’s a challenge to master the sport, young or old.

How long is a game in lawn bowling?

Normally about two hours.

Do I have to wear special shoes?

Not necessarily special shoes, but footwear should be flat-soled (like sneakers, sandals) with no heavy tread or heel and used only for lawn bowling. No street shoes please.

Do I need to wear white?

We do not have a dress code for casual drop-ins or intra-club leagues. For outside tournaments (inter-club tournaments) and special club events, it is recommended to wear “whites” or our club colours.

Do I have to buy my own bowls?

The club has bowls that you can rent for $25/season. You may want to try out a few bowls to get an idea of your comfort level before buying a set.

Do I need a different set of bowls if I'm left-handed?

No, not at all.

Can I bring a friend to try lawn bowling?

Definitely. Check the drop-in schedule on the website and send us an email to give us a heads-up that you will be bringing someone to try out bowling. We will make sure to have a coach on hand to work with your friend. The drop-in fee is $5 per session up to a maximum of 5 sessions. If your friend decides to join the club, the drop-in fees already paid will be credited to the annual membership fee.

When should I register if I want to become a member of Surrey Lawn Bowling Club?

The club’s fiscal year is May 1st to April 30th. Our Semi-Annual General Meeting (SAGM) is scheduled each year towards the end of April which is generally when we receive most applications to kick off the new bowling season. The advantage of registering around this time of year gives you the opportunity to join several drop-in sessions to practice before signing up for in-house leagues that begin early June through to end of August.
Plus, you get a whole year of bowling (weather permitting) on our artificial greens.

Do you have a membership application form and where can I find it?

Yes, we have a membership application form on our website, along with our fee schedule and payment options.


(weather permitting)
1:00 PM
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
Saturday, March 1st @4:30pm
tickets: $15
get your tickets by FEB 26 deadline
payment options:
e-transfer: surreylawnbowling@hotmail.com
or from Fran or Barbara
Saturday, May 17, 9:00am-4:00pm
Saturday, May 31, 9:00am-4:00pm

CLICK HERE to see the Calendar


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